The soybean trade war through the eyes of a soybean

President Trump’s tit-for-tat trade war with China has now reached the cartoon soybean stage.

China Global Television Network, China’s state-run TV network, today released a video discussing the trade war through the eyes — eye? — of a soybean.

“So, will voters there turn out to support Trump and the Republicans once they get hit in the pocketbooks?” asks the bean, which notes that farmers in Iowa and Minnesota are particularly hard hit by China’s tariff on soybeans.


Bloomberg reports that soybean farmers are mostly sticking with their guy.

Farmers “are comfortable with the objectives President Trump has laid out,” said Chad Hart, an agricultural economist at Iowa State University in Ames. “I don’t think anyone’s considered that they’d change their vote.”

In China, meanwhile, they’re worried about food inflation because of their soybean tariff.

So maybe a cartoon soybean is what it looks like to blink in a trade war.

(h/t: Paul Tosto)