New protest urged in gun-toting yearbook photo fuss

The new year is looking pretty much like the old year in the Fargo, N.D., school district where this proposed picture in the school yearbook remains an issue for some people.


I wrote about it here last month after Charlie Renville called for the ouster of Fargo North principal Andy Dahlen, who had the good sense to reject his son’s yearbook photo.

Renville didn’t win. After a review by the school system administration, the call on the field stood. No picture.

Renville isn’t giving up, calling for civil action in his protest. Call it a T-shirt uprising.

My third post on this issue. After three weeks under review by Bob Gross, (one of the original persons who formed the school district policy on this issue), he has rejected Josh’s senior picture for the yearbook. He says it violates school district policy.

Mr. Gross if you wrote the policy why would it take you so long to review this issue? And talk about judge, jury and executioner! Is this in the spirit of our representative government system? Where is our civilian over sight?

On the phone with Bob Gross he has stated that it violates school district policy only, no federal or state laws, because I challenged him and the school district to charge me with violating those laws…….Of course they won’t charge me, because this picture violates no laws.

I have attached his letters for your viewing and thoughts. And one would think with all the publicity this picture has attracted that one, maybe just one school board member, would have called us and asked us how things are going? Or at least asked to hear our side of the issue? But no, they are apparently too busy to deal with the parents & students within our school system, whom they are elected to represent.

Now I understand there are people who do not like the picture and you are free to not like it. Don’t look at it, make fun of it if it makes you feel superior. But do we really want to live in a society that allows only certain people in positions of power to control what we feel, think or believe in?

If they are rejecting this picture because of the rifle in it (they will not state why they are rejecting the picture), I ask, Why, what is wrong with the rifle? It is not illegal in any way! It is an object not capable of being evil or good! This is just another example of liberal progressives trying to demonize gun owners.

And they are now extending this demonization to shirts being worn at school. While school officials will allow kids to wear shirts that support PETA, they will not allow kids to wear shirts with rifles, or that support hunting or the NRA. Really?

This is what freedom in America has come too? Is this the culture we want in our schools? Or should we demand a culture that encourages the free exchange of differing ideas. And a culture that teaches respect of individuals with different ideas and beliefs.

So I’m calling on all the people with students in high school in the Fargo school district and who support freedom or those that support the 2nd Amendment …send your kids to school wearing shirts that support our hunting rights and/or the right to own firearms.

Do not lay down your God given rights! Resist this bad policy and stand for liberty! I’m asking all people to be civil and respectful on this issue. Some more things to think about, what if Andy Dahlen is pushing his political agenda on our students?

What if he is using his position as a bully pulpit for his beliefs? Shouldn’t he remain neutral in his official position as principal? What if the school district is allowing an environment that is hostile to people with certain political beliefs or religious beliefs?

Should we tolerate this as a community? And would it not be honorable to resist these actions? These are our schools Fargo, we pay for them and all staff members in the end work for us, the citizens of Fargo!

We now have until February 12th to submit a new picture for the yearbook or appeal this issue to the next level. Feel free to ask me any questions I will do my best to answer all of them.

Students returned to school yesterday after the winter break. The Fargo Forum says it’s not known yet how many students have joined the protest.