A dad’s pep talk picks up the rest of us

Here’s your daily dose of sweetness.

Devon Still, of the Cincinnati Bengals, has a lot on his mind these days. His daughter has cancer. He was cut from the football team, but then was re-signed to the team’s practice squad so he could still have health insurance to pay for Leah’s treatment.

The team started selling his jersey, giving all the money to a fund to help her fight against cancer.

Yesterday, as he was about to drive her to the hospital, he gave her a pep talk.

“Pre-surgery pep talk…I might be nervous and scared beyond words but I’ll never let her see,” he wrote on Instagram.

When she was in recovery, he was nearby.

Devon Still via Instagram.

Surgeons got all of the tumor, he reported last night. She now has a round of chemotherapy on the schedule.

Devon Still via Instagram

“The simple things are what I enjoy the most now,” he writes.

His Instagram account is good for whatever ails you.