How often can you urinate on company time?

Count the number of times you use the bathroom at work today. Is it more than two?

A woman who works at St. Cloud’s Electrolux is suing the company because it fired her when she urinated in a box on the plant floor, after she was denied the opportunity to take an additional bathroom break beyond that which employees are allowed.

Says the St. Cloud Times:

State law says “an employer must allow each employee adequate time from work within each four consecutive hours of work to utilize the nearest convenient restroom.” The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration also states that employees have a right to bathroom use.

Electrolux says in legal documents that it complied with the statute by providing a half-hour lunch break and two 10-minute breaks for every four hours for restroom use, which is in its collective bargaining agreement with the union, the International Association of Machinists (IAM).

The woman was ordered reinstated after her firing, but she’s proceeding with a federal suit against the crackdown on bathroom breaks.