MPR’s ‘naked lady’


There are only 8 broadcasts of MPR’s Midday left before Broadcasting Hall of Fame host Gary Eichten retires; this is a massively depressing fact for a sizable part of the MPR audience and 100 percent of the people who work here.

We’ve enjoyed reading the messages that people have been submitting, but few have elicited the guffaws that the imagery from one did today.

A woman who moved here from Germany 18 years ago reminisced about her introduction to Midday, closing with this:

“In centuries past, big proud saling ships had statues of naked ladies mounted to the front that showed them the way through the oceans. I sure hope that MPR is still going to find its way after its very own naked lady, Gary Eichten, has gone home.”

Of course, we put our best and brightest on that one…


Mr. Eichten has worked at MPR for nearly 45 years, but it wasn’t until his last two weeks in the business that he picked up a nickname that might just stick.

(h/t: Michael Wells)