The person we all should meet


You’ve just moved in to town and befriended the kind soul who takes you under her wing (or his wing, as the case may be) and introduces you to the town. Conversations are peppered with, “You know who you should meet…?” And, of course, you don’t because you haven’t met them yet. But she knows why they’re on the special list of people with stories to tell and wisdom to share.

Who would be on your list in your community? Maybe it’s the people who won’t quit, the one who picked you up, delivered the bad news tenderly, served when called, changed a career and charged ahead, worked beyond the call of duty, did the things that have to be done cheerfully, or one who is simply overdue for recognition.

This fall and winter, NewsCut plans to meet the people you think we should meet. Maybe it’s someone with a special talent or someone who enriched your life and inspired you to speak their name often.

I’m moving in to your community, introduce me to the person I should meet.

Here’s how.