How much is $6.2 billion?

The new budget deficit is $6.2 billion in Minnesota.

How much is that?

$6.2 billion is….

… the total payroll for legislators if the Minnesota House of Representatives had 199,100 state representatives, or one state rep for every 26 people who live in Minnesota.

… the cost to use the state airplane to ferry the governor hunting every weekend (weather permitting) until December 2, 2739.

… how much you would have counted out if you started now and counted out dollar bills every second and don’t stop for the next 196 years.

… roughly the amount it would take to build one new fully-loaded high school in every county in Minnesota.

… approximately the entire year’s income for everyone in St. Paul.

… enough to pay unemployment benefits for the next three years for all of those currently receiving them in Minnesota.

… what it would cost to build 62 miles of light rail.

… all the license tab fees paid in this state for the next 12 years.

… the cost of running a radio ad on a Sioux Falls radio station every 20 minutes for the next 2,359 years, urging businesses there to move to Minnesota.

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