No history in the headlines

Are you one of those people who likes to save newspapers on historic occasions? If so, you have to be pretty disappointed with what the major papers stuck on our doorsteps today.

Is there some sort of axiom that says “when in doubt, just put the guy’s name in big font?” OBAMA is what the headlines say locally today. OBAMA, what? That’s the best they could do? No toying with a campaign theme. “Yes, he did!”? “It Happened with Hope”? “Obama Turns Hope into History”? “Young Black Dude Beats Old White Guy”?

I guess not.

For pure “savability” (what are we supposed to do when newspapers die, print out Web pages?), the Pioneer Press wins the local race hands down.


Take a shot at this. If you were a headline writer, write a headline that would make a reader want to toss the paper into the same pile where now sits newspapers with headlines like “Man Lands on Moon” and “Ford to New York: ‘Drop Dead.'”

Here’s one from Toronto, for example:



You can browse the world’s front pages at the Newseum Web site.