Bridge comments revisited

More musings on what it means to politicize the I-35W bridge collapse.

John McCain’s comment in Pennsylvania:

“The bridge in Minneapolis didn’t collapse because there wasn’t enough money. The bridge in Minneapolis collapsed because so much money was spent on wasteful, unnecessary pork-barrel projects.”

Rep. Keith Ellison in the Associated Press story on McCain’s remarks:

“The last thing we need is a misinformed presidential aspirant posturing at our expense.”

Keith Ellison on August 3 — two days after the bridge collapse:

“Well, I will say this. You know, life is about tradeoffs. Government is about tradeoffs. And you can have one thing or another. You can invest in infrastructure or you can pursue other government expenditures, which are not as productive as basic infrastructure investment.”

Are they saying the same thing with different words? Infrastructure is crumbling because money is being spent elsewhere?