Your happiness/health index

I’m on the road to Two Harbors today so posting will be light. Thus, it falls on your to pick up the slack. But, no pressure.

Fortunately, we’ve got The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index. It’s based on interviews of more than 100,000 people and it, shows that 47 percent of Americans

are struggling and 4 percent are suffering. Forty-nine percent of respondents are reported to be thriving based on a personal assessment of how they feel about their lives at the time of the survey, and where they think they’ll be in five years.

The survey is done every day and Gallup says it will do it for the next 25 years.

Findings so far indicate that peoples’ workplaces and any health problems are the two major contributors to whether people are happy.

You know what’s coming, right? Sooner or later, Gallup is going to be in workplace. So tell me first. What are they going to find?

Oh, and what do you think your life is going to be like in five years.