Speed Trap Web site

Just a few days after I wrote about the Rate My Cop Web site, comes word through the interoffice mail of another site aimed at the law enforcement community.

This one — the Speed Trap Exchange — is designed for people to identify locations of regular speeding crackdowns. It’s actually been operating for a few years.

Checking ye olde homestead — Woodbury — finds three “speed traps” listed, which basically amount to I-94. But the word “speed trap” suggests a fairly consistent location and that doesn’t really exist on that stretch. They get you when they feel like getting you.

As with Rate My Cop, its primary purpose ends up being the entertainment value of the people complaining about breaking the law. As one person wrote:

I was nailed yesterday (yes I was speeding, but technically it shouldn’t have mattered because I was going with the speed of traffic). Going west towards Woodbury– two miles or so before the Manning Avenue exit. There were 4 police cars in that general area. I later learned (when I was pulled over) from the officer that they were doing a “speed detail” in the area and that I would indeed be receiving a citation. Be careful! Stay out of the left lane!

It shouldn’t have mattered? The law doesn’t matter as long as everyone is breaking it?