Fall Colors Exploding


Today's Minnesota DNR fall color map shows a rapid increase in color around Minnesota.

The curtain is opening on October, and the show is ready to roll.

Our recent changes in daylight and weather are causing fall colors to explode into brilliance around the region. The Minnesota DNR fall color report is showing 50% to 75% color now around parts of Minnesota. Our frosty temperatures this morning in much of the region will serve to accelerate the process.

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The MN DNR map is interesting this year. The most vibrant and advanced color changes are in central Minnesota and in the Duluth and Fargo-Morehead areas. There are even pockets of advanced color in the extreme southwest and southeast corners of the state.

This is a departure from what we often consider to be the north to south progression of fall color in Minnesota. Some of this may be related to drought stress over the summer, which was most pronounced in the southern half of the state.

Fall colors will likely peak in some areas over the next 10 days. We should see a return to bright sunshine after our rain system Thursday and Friday, so hopefully we'll be able to see the expanding colors in all their glory the next few weeks.