The plow driver everyone wanted fired

First this disclaimer: We here at NewsCut are nothing but appreciative of the work you snowplow drivers do and we acknowledge upfront that the person we’re about to tell you about is not representative of your profession.

That said, could there be a bigger jerk than this guy?

Mark Hussey, who plows the streets of Lowell, Mass., thought it would be a good idea to post videos on YouTube of his method of plowing cars and driveways in delivered with a twist. He’s since taken his YouTube videos down, but too late: the media found him .

Another TV station located the public servant and interviewed him. (follow link to watch video)

“If I can get some kind of enjoyment out of it, why not?” he told a radio station. “I really don’t care if I make more enemies.”

Today, the city fired him.

(h/t: Brian Hanf)