The State Fair: Let’s do this

Let’s get started with the run of State Fair-related posts. I’ll be looking for your personal anecdotes, observations, and pictures. You know the blog, so you know the type of things I’m looking for. Use this form.

We admit, though, we’re concerned, people.

We’re concerned that the Fair starts tomorrow and the best State Fair bingo cards — the ones from the website Lazy Lightning — have not been updated.


We’ll have to use last year’s. Bill Roehl and his wife had a baby this summer and it’s hard to do new cards when you’ve got a new baby. You understand, right?

We’ll be looking for your images from the Fair. Here’s how to take some decent pictures at night…

The good news is they’ve dusted off and it’s operating again.

I’ll be selling the merchandise next Friday from 9 to 5. Stop by and tell me your story.


And colleague Julia Schrenkler is doing all the heavy MPR lifting for the State Fair web page here.