Progression of the obese

Some Minnesotans might be chortling about a study out today showing Mississippi is the most obese state in the country, but our day will come, Minnesota. You had your chance to lower the obesity rate by 15 percent and — like every state in the union — you missed.

More than a third of the U.S. adults — I’m guessing it’s the middle third — are obese, the report says.

Looking at the Centers for Disease Control map on obesity in just the last half decade is like watching the progression of Asian carp and zebra mussels.


First Wisconsin and Iowa…


Like dominoes — really fat dominoes — the Dakotas and Minnesota fell in 2007…


But Minnesota took a step back in 2008 and nothing has changed since. We’re surrounded…


According to today’s report from Trust for America’s Health, Minnesota ranks 38th in obesity, down from about 31st four or five years ago.

The State Fair starts in 10 days. We could go orange by the end of the month.