Another recount?

Whew! What a night. Before we launch into a day’s worth of analyzing, theorizing and guessifying, let’s all take a moment to recall these prescient words in a commentary written a few days ago by Andy Barr, communications director for Al Franken’s (eventually) successful campaign for the U.S. Senate:

But soon it’ll be over. There will be tears, regardless of the outcome. There will be goodbye dinners followed by heavy drinking — in celebration or consolation; it all sort of looks the same. There will be solemn promises to significant others (“never again!”) — most of which will be quickly broken when the next cycle rolls around. There will be pride in hard work done. And, most of all, there will be closure, a chance to step out of the storm and regain control over your life.

Unless, of course, there’s a recount. In which case, you’re utterly screwed.