Five at 8 1/22/10 – Time and trouble

While your usual host travels to New Orleans — he’s hunting the stories beyond the Big Game — MPR’s Than Tibbetts and I will provide a bit of blogging. Sadly my Five at 8 should be renamed Five at 8ish or actually 9, which may also explain my theme of time and trouble.

1) How about a bit of time travel on the cheap? The idea of augmented reality works handily in our much-photographed world. NPR reports on the trend of holding a photo up against the same backdrop, basically superimposing the past on the present. It is addictive viewing. Have any of Minnesota? You know the drill, share those links in the comments.

2) As I fully realized in the absolutely wrong way of a comic slip/avoided fall this morning, it is icy out there. Updraft explains the icy shot we’re getting and elaborates on the future fun:

The icy coating is the first in a series of weather systems that will affect the region over the next 72 hours. The main event is still on track for this weekend. The latest model runs are indicating widespread differences in outcomes, but there are some trends emerging for the weekend system.

Tread carefully.

3) Minnesota based Cirrus has had its share of business ups and downs over the years. Our own Bob Kelliher reports they are looking at comeback after a rough few years. This link is a nod to the focus your usual author has on the skies.

4) Cleanup of problematic Excel Dairy may be far off. Let’s avoid the easy jokes like, “That stinks.” Stephanie Hemphill writes,

The dairy’s neighbors are dreading the spring thaw that will renew the smell from the manure pits.

Can you imagine dreading spring, here in the long weeks of January?

5) MinnEcon outlines the trials of being laid off, training for new work, and … still looking.

Today’s Question: Why does it matter who hosts “The Tonight Show”?. The answers are already coming in:

“This is a rhetorical question, right?” – Posted by Steve the Cynic

The answer may lie in the timing or the drama of the story. You tell us.

What are we up to today? Stand by, I’m checking.

Update! What we’re doing: It is impossible to be Bob Collins (there can be only one!) but Than and I will type as we can.

Midmorning: Well, that’s pretty much on now. Obama’s first year and foreign policy is on for the first hour. Breakout piece on Newsmaker: Clinton promotes internet freedom. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton promised to make unrestricted access a foreign policy priority. That guest is Adam Thierer, the president and director of the center for digital media freedom. Then a chaplain reflects on marriage, followed by The Saints lift New Orleans. Yes, as a Minnesotan I did a double-take too. But give Midmorning the listen.

Midday: TBA.

All Things Considered: Makeshift hospital in Haiti, a theatrical tribute to Rock n’ Roll, and info about Minnesotan rapper Dessa’s new disc and concert this weekend.

Related Bonus: Dessa in The Current Studios, “The Chaconne.” Her father gave her a classical cd with Bach’s Chaconne in D minor… and she imagined the biography of a violinist. This is the result.

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