Word of the year

Merriam-Webster, the dictionary people, have selected the word of the year.

“W00t,” a hybrid of letters and numbers used by gamers as an exclamation of happiness or triumph, topped all other terms in the Springfield-based dictionary publisher’s online poll for the word that best sums up 2007.

A word… with numbers in it. Isn’t that just… Gr8? This is, I am told by the folks with cool cubicles, an example of leet speak.

(For those of you who speak this language, let’s bring you up to date on the post so far)

M3rriam-W3bst3r, th3 dictionary p3opl3, hav3 s3l3ct3d th3 word of th3 y3ar.

“W00t,” a hybrid of l3tt3rs and numb3rs us3d by gam3rs as an 3xclamation of happin3ss or triumph, topp3d all oth3r t3rms in th3 Springfi3ld-bas3d dictionary publish3r’s onlin3 poll for th3 word that b3st sums up 2007.

W00t beat out facebook, conundrum, quixotic, blamestorm, sardoodledom, apathetic, Peckniffian, hypocrite and charlatan.

Apparently, this was a bad year to be a verb.

(h/t Sean Collins)

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